1、经济 | |
生活节奏加快 | the tempo/pace of life has accelerated |
疲劳 | fatigue |
导致人与人之间的疏远 | create alienation between people |
经济利益和价值 | economic interest and value |
开阔眼界 | expand ones vision/horizons |
经济全球化 | economic globalization |
不正当竞争 | unfair competition |
打假 | crack down on fake commodities |
繁荣 | boom |
激烈竞争 | fierce competition |
信用危机 | credit crisis |
稳定物价 | stabilize prices |
2、政府 | |
把···当作当务之急 | give priority to sth. |
促进经济增长 | support economic growth |
规范;管理 | regulate, monitor, oversee |
政府开支 | the government spending/expenditure |
削减预算 | budget cuts strictly prohibit, ban altogether |
规章制度 | rules and regulations |
严格的法律 | stringent laws/legislation |
缩小贫富差距 | close/narrow the gap between rich and poor |
减少社会矛盾 | reduce social contradictions |
立 法 | legislate(v.) legislation(n.) make laws |
社会保障 | social security |
减轻社会压力 | release the pressure of society |
福 利 | welfare |
3、动物 | |
温顺的 | docile |
忠诚的 | loyal |
可爱的 | cute |
宠物是主人的伙伴 | Pets are their masters’s companions |
陪 伴 | accompany, keep sb.company |
给他们的主人以心理安慰 | afford their masters consolation and comfort |
毛皮 | fur |
生态系统遭到破坏 | Ecosystems have been destroyed |
灭 绝 | extinction/disappearance |
影响 | impact, implication |
过度捕捞 | over-hunting |
缺乏环保意识 | lack of environmental |
坚持和谐相处 | uphold harmonious coexistence |
禁止虐待行为 | the prohibition of torture |
加大宣传力度 | increase the publicity |
增强保护意识 | raise protection consciousness/awareness |
4、文化 | |
文物 | cultural relics and historic sites |
古迹遗址 | ruins |
因为…而闻名 作为 而闻名 | be famous for/as |
名胜古迹 | places of interest |
饮食 | food and drink, diet |
剪纸 | paper-cut |
文化差异 | cultural gap |
文化冲突 | cultural conflict |
文化融合 | cultural integration |
少数民族 | ethnic minorities |
保护 | preserve, protect |
互相影响 | interaction |
古代文明 | ancient civilization |
中国传统道德规范 | the classic Chinese moral ethics |
美德 | virtue |
毅力 | perseverance |
合作 | cooperation |
忠诚 | loyalty |
礼貌 | courtesy |
道德 | morality |
善良 | kindness |
博大精深 | great and profound |
融合交汇 | integration and interaction |
碰撞 | crash |
有魅力的 | charming |
壮丽的,雄伟的 | Splendid |
英语热 | English fever |
5、环保 | |
气候变化 | climate change |
温室效应 | greenhouse effect |
热带雨林 | tropical rainforest |
全球变暖 | global warming |
酸 雨 | acid rain |
北极冰融 | Arctic melting |
垃圾 | dust, raffle, waste, rubbish, garbage |
白色污染 | white pollution |
用尽 | use up, exhaust |
污染 | pollute, contaminate |
严重的 | severe, grave, grievous |
城市废物 | municipal waste |
一次性筷子 | disposable chopsticks |
一次性饭盒 | disposable meal boxes |
塑料袋 | plastic sack, plastic bag |
污染源 | source of contamination, pollution source |
污水 | sewage, effluent |
摩托车 | motorcycle |
汽车 | automobile |
噪声污染 | noise pollution |
废物回收利用 | waste reclamation, waste recycling, waste recovery |
环境保护 | environmental protection/conservation |
环保意识 | environmental awareness/consciousness |
生态系统 | ecosystem |
可持续发展 | sustainable development |
生态平衡 | ecological balance/equilibrium |
国家立法 | national legislation |
增强提高环保意识 | enhance/raise/elevate the environmental awareness |
促进经济体制和经济增长 方式的转变 | promote shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth |
治理环境污染 | curb environmental pollution bring the pollution under control |
开发可再生资源 | develop renewable resources |
6、科技 | |
科技成果 | scientific and technological achievements |
科技进步 | advance of science and technology |
科技创新 | technological innovations |
信息时代 | Information age/era |
信息爆炸 | information explosion |
自动化 | automation |
互联网的广泛使用 | the proliferation of the Internet, the extensive use of the Internet, the widespread use of the Internet |
生活质量要求得更高 | higher demand on standards of living |
促进跨境贸易活动 | promote trade activity across the border |
无处不在的 | prevalent, ubiquitous, pervasive |
网上购物 | online shopping |
娱乐 | amusement, recreation, entertainment |
方便 | convenience |
网上冲浪 | surf the Internet |
沉溺网络 | net addiction |
盗版产品 | pirated products |
电脑游戏 | computer games |
名 人 | celebrities |
电脑犯罪 | computer crime |
电子商务 | e-commerce |
虚拟生活 | virtual life |
7、就业【高考申请信+推荐信常考】 | |
就业 | employment |
劳动力储备 | labor pool |
就业不足; 失业 | under-employment, underemployed |
就业机会 | job opportunities, employment opportunities |
贫穷的 | needy, impoverished, deprived, destitute indigent |
富裕的 | affluent, wealthy, well-off |
就业市场 | job markets |
找工作 | apply/hunt/look for a job |
薪 水 | salary, pay, wages |
稳定的工作 | stable jobs |
职业发展 | career development |
接受培训和指导 | receive training and counseling |
充分发挥潜能 | attainment of full potential |
充分利用自己的能力 | make the best use of ones abilities |
接受新的挑战, 把握机会 | take on new challenges and seize opportunities |
竞争激烈的 | competitive |
培养良好的心态 | nurture a good state of mind |
申请人 | applicant |
职位空缺 | position available, vacant position |
能胜任的 | competent |
合格的 | be qualified for |
熟练程度 | proficiency |
工作待遇和福利 | job treatment and benefit |
晋 升 | promotion |
性别歧视的 | gender-biased |
相貌歧视的 | appearance-biased |
8、高中学习生活 | |
独立思考 | think independently |
自 学 | self-study, study on one's own |
适应能力 | adaptability |
适 应 | adapt to sth, adjust oneself to sth, become accustomed to sth |
全面发展 | all-round development |
心理健康 | psychological soundness, psychological well-being |
促进学生健康 | promote the healthy development of students both |
身心、情感的发展 | physically and mentally promote the students' physical, mental and emotional development |
素质教育 | quality-oriented education |
责任感 | a sense of obligation/responsibility/duty |
团队精神 | team spirit |
激发学生的学习兴趣 | stimulate students' interest in learning |
提高学习的积极性 | Improve learning initiative |
提高教学质量 | enhance the quality of teaching |
学校教育 | schooling |
家庭教育 | family education |
职业教育培训 | vocational education/training |
应试教育 | exam-oriented education |
陶治情操 | cultivate one's taste and temperament |
德才兼备 | combine ability with character equal stress on integrity and ability |
青少年 | youths, youngsters, adolescents |
科 目 | subject |
学 科 | discipline |
培 养 | cultivate |
深 造 | further one's study |
培养能力 | foster ability |
减轻学生负担 | relive the burden on students |
忙于功课 | be occupied with schoolwork |
以 为重心 | place emphasis on |
全面的, 广泛的 | comprehensive |
实际能力 | practical capability |
填鸭式 | duck-stuffing |
课外活动 | extra-curricular activities |
必修课 | required/compulsory course |
选修课 | optional/elective course |
学 费 | tuition |
青少年犯罪 | youthful offender, juvenile delinquency |
开明的社会 | a progressive/enlightened society |
两性平等 | gender equality |
性别歧视 | gender discrimination, sexism |
机会均等 | equality of opportunity |
老年人 | elderly people, senior citizens |
照 顾 | take care of, look after, care for |
养育孩子 | child rearing |
家庭暴力 | domestic violence |
触犯法律 | break/violate/disobey the law |
犯罪 | commit a crime |
执法机构 | law enforcement agencies |
刑事责任 | criminal liability/responsibility |
遵守法律 | abide by the law |
富有启发的 | enlightening |
引起了警惕和重视 | cause alarm and attention |
为 树立榜样 | set a good example for |
确保实施活动 | ensure implementing activities |
易受伤害的 | vulnerable |
应 该 | be supposed to |
10、人物特征、情感描写 | |
坚持的 | persistent |
意志坚强的 | strong-minded |
勤奋的 | industrious |
有前途的 | promising |
有活力的 | dynamic |
有影响力的 | influential |
知识渊博的 | profound |
忠实的,投入的 | devoted |
热心的 | warm-hearted |
诚信 | Integrity |
好客的热情的 | hospitable |
爱社交的, 友善的 | sociable |
脾气好的 | good-tempered |
忠诚的 | loyal |
勤奋的, 用功的 | diligent |
天真的, 可爱的 | Innocent |
残忍的 | cruel |
精力充沛的, 充满活力的 | vigorous |
有活力的 | energetic |
自信的 | confident |
可怜的, 令人同情的 | pitiful |
调皮的 | naughty |
伤心的, 难过的 | sorrowful |
俭朴的 | frugal |
宽宏大量的 | generous |
精神饱满的 | hearty |
谦逊的 | humble |
幽默的 | humorous |
有才干的能干的 | able |
适应性强的 | adaptable |
有进取心的 | aggressive |
有雄心的 | ambitious |
和蔼可亲的 | amiable |
友好的 | amicable |
有理解力的 | apprehensive |
有志气的, 有抱负的 | aspiring |
无畏的, 鲁莽的 | audacious |
有能力的, 有才能的 | capable |
仔细的 | careful |
正直的 | candid |
能胜任的 | competent |
合作的 | cooperative |
富有创造力的 | creative |
主动的, 活跃的 | active |
好争辩的 | argumentative |
有魅力的 | attractive |
有才气的 | brilliant |
仁慈的, 宽厚的 | charitable |
愉快的 | cheerful |
幼稚的 | childish |
认真的, 尽责的 | conscientious |
体贴的 | considerate |
建设性的 | constructive |
喜欢沉思的 | contemplative |
勇敢的, 有胆量的 | courageous |
老练的, 外交的 | diplomatic |
沉闷的 | depressing |
守纪律的 | disciplined |
尽职的, 忠实的 | dutiful |
认真的 | earnest |
随和的 | easy-going |
有效率的 | efficient |
充满热情的 | enthusiastic |
善于表达的 | expressive |
守信的, 忠诚的 | faithful |
直率的, 真诚的 | frank |
有趣的, 古怪的 | funny |
公正的 | impartial |
不顾及别人的, 轻率的 | inconsiderate |
有主见的 | independent |
灵巧的, 聪明的 | ingenious |
主动的 | Initiative |
智力的 | intellective |
有智力的 | intelligent |
有发明才能的有创造力的 | inventive |
好心的 | kind-hearted |
有见识的 | knowledgeable |
开明的, 自由的 | liberal |
合逻辑的, 条理分明的 | logical |
情绪化的, 喜怒无常的 | moody |
顺从的, 忠顺的 | obedient |
客观的 | objective |
乐观的 | optimistic |
有独创性的 | original |
外向友好的 | outgoing |
辛勤的, 苦干的, 刻苦的 | painstaking |
充满热情的 | passionate |
悲观的 | pessimistic |
受欢迎的 | popular |
实际的 | practical |
意志坚强的 | purposeful |
理性的 | rational |
实事求是的 | realistic |
讲道理的 | reasonable |
可信赖的 | reliable |
负责的 | responsible |
自觉的 | self-conscious |
自私的 | selfish |
无私的 | selfless |
敏感的 | sensitive |
真诚的 | sincere |
多疑的 | skeptical |
踏实的 | steady |
坦率的, 直截了当的 | straightforward |
严格的 | strict |
助人的 | supportive |
意志坚强的 | strong-willed |
有同情心的 | sympathetic |
性情温和的 | sweet-tempered |
有才能的 | talented |
胆小的, 羞怯的 | timid |
孜孜不倦的 | tireless |
容忍的 | tolerant |
容易相信人的 | trustful |
值得信任的 | trustworthy |
正直的 | upright |
11、人生哲理 | |
毅 力 | willpower/persistence |
经得住挑战 | withstand challenges |
有进取心的 | aggressive |
进取精神 | striving spirit |
心胸开阔 | open-mindedness |
增长见识 | increase one's knowledge |
创 新 | innovation |
自信心 | self-confidence |
雄心壮志 | ambition |
爱 | love |
幸福 | happiness |
成功 | success/triumph |
压 力 | pressure |
困 难 | difficulty |
满足 | satisfaction |
团队合作 | teamwork |
勤奋 | diligence |
积极态度 | positive attitude |